Intergenerational Handbell Camp

July 6-10, 2014

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All three forms must be filled out and turned in together.
2014 Intergenerational Handbell Camp Registration Form 11.1.13
2013 Health registration form updated 4.24.2013
2013 Media release form 2.15.2013

Presented by Handbell Camp


Kansas City Rings!





Handbell Sight-Reading Session

Stay tuned for the 2014 date

Heartland Center - Parkville, MO

A reading session of handbell music at all levels, for all seasons, for church, community and school ringers.


Directions:  here

2013 information:

Intergenerational Handbell Camp in cooperation with Jeffers Handbell Supply, Inc is proud to present a handbell reading session for Church & School ensembles of  all levels and seasons on Friday, July 12, 2013.

We are excited to share the very best of new and tried-and-true music with you as well as providing an opportunity to visit with old friends and to make new acquaintances.  Each of our 4 sessions with be will feature music from multiple publishers, hand-picked by AGEHR leaders and the professional staff at Jeffers.

If you are interested, our accommodations and schedule allow for you to attend the closing concert of the 2013 Intergenerational Handbell Camp on Thursday evening, stay overnight and have breakfast in the morning. 

"Kansas City Rings" on Friday will include 2 reading sessions in the morning with a snack provided, lunch and 2 reading sessions in the afternoon.  At the conclusion of this day, each ringer may take home with them -complimentary-two compositions of your choice.  Music may be purchased that day from a store provided by Jeffers Handbell Supply, Inc.