Intergenerational Handbell Camp

July 6-10, 2014

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All three forms must be filled out and turned in together.
2014 Intergenerational Handbell Camp Registration Form 11.1.13
2013 Health registration form updated 4.24.2013
2013 Media release form 2.15.2013
A note from Kipp

Handbell Camp was full of smiles and laughter, sharing & caring all week long.  We rang bells as the sun was rising and ringers were working well after dessert each night. 

The camaraderie and cooperation seemed automatic.  When there was a shout-out for assistance or to join in, you all responded, again with a smile.

Many ringers found that sleep - what sleep & rest you could find - was essential; sleeping in right up to breakfast, or after an afternoon class, or just before that last rehearsal of the day.

The first-time campers tried not to miss much and the returning campers also seemed to participate as much as possible.  The morning devotions were so moving each morning.

The directors, Kathy, Gail & Janet were available almost 24-7 to every need and discussion that arose during the week.  So too, the camp staff -  Brian & Debbie & Cal and others were available for whatever concern any camper had.  Now you wishing that camp can prepare the meals for you and your family daily!

Every choir performed 10 or more songs during the week.  We rehearsed 5+ hours on bells per day and most sight-read 7 packets of 12 songs in each during the week.  How many was that - 94 or more songs; no wonder you were tired!

You are ready for the next year of ringing!  Be helpful,  try a solo or start a small ensemble, be sure to help with the proper techniques of ringing.  Try not to be bossy, just helpful.

Thank You, each one, for finding the time to attend Intergenerational Handbell Camp.

I hope to see you at camp again sometime!

Kipp Willnauer

 Handbell Musicians of America