Intergenerational Handbell Camp

July 6-10, 2014

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All three forms must be filled out and turned in together.
2014 Intergenerational Handbell Camp Registration Form 11.1.13
2013 Health registration form updated 4.24.2013
2013 Media release form 2.15.2013



Let me introduce myself, I am Cheryl Ringeisen's father, Libby's Granddad. And obviously Randy is my son-in-law.


In April 2004, I was diagnosed with cancer in my kidney, adrenal glands, pancreas, and lungs. I was given one year to live.


I attended the bell concert that summer, and when you closed with "May the Peace of the Lord Be with You," I wept profusely, because I needed peace. I was tremendously blessed and felt His peace envelope me. Each year I look forward to that closing song.


I did not fear death, but your group ministered comfort, peace, encouragement and reassurance to my inner man.


So you are doing a good work, and ministering more than you realize.


Gratefully yours,


Ernie Gruen

Gal. 6:9--So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. NLT